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Many assorted things...

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

They say that politics makes strange bedfellows

A) I'm kind of a contrarian
B) I did not vote for and I'm not necessarily fond of the current President

There have been times in the past when I was not overly fond of Roy Moore, either. That said, I ask myself  "Why the HUGE push from the sitting administration for the other run-off contestant?"

 Frankly, that alone is enough for me to go vote for Moore today. I still haven't come up with a good answer to the "push" question. All I know is that it seems to me they are looking for a dedicated lackey from Alabama. Old Roy will likely side with the administration on plenty, but I think he might retain enough judicial wisdom and independence to question things. I don't believe that the other guy will...

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

I try not to peddle too much stuff here, but...

I recently subscribed to Texture. Access to 200+ magazines for $9.99/month. It's pretty sweet and accessible on multiple platforms.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Voices squelched

The CPD has, yet again, silenced the voices of third parties.

Yet again, the Commission on Presidential Debates continues to suppress the candidates from other parties. It doesn't matter whether a majority of Americans would like to hear from a third party. Part of the problem is Americans themselves. I know a number of folks who are very close to leaning Libertarian but will choose Hillary or the Donald solely because one of them is likely to win. I know I can say it until I'm blue in the face, but the only reason they're likely to win (and keep doing so) is because you won't vote for what you believe. Either get Gary (and/or Jill) to 15% or demand their inclusion in the debates. The CPD is a piece of shit creation of the two party system. There are alternatives.