Friday, September 10, 2010

Libertarians release top 10 disasters of 2009 Obama administration and the top 10 of the previous administration...

There's NOT a great deal of difference.

Libertarians release top 10 disasters of 2009 Obama administration

Though it's doubtful that Mark Twain actually said this...

"Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it."

-Often likely misattributed to Mark Twain

I'll continue the tradition right here. This is really only of much interest for those of you in North Alabama. For those who had any doubt, August really was hot. See? FWIW, while you're at it, check out the Fall edition of Rocket City Weather...

Thursday, September 09, 2010

Although it appears to now be a moot point...

since Terry Jones has called off this weekend's libricide, the whole uproar that has accompanied this set of events brings many interesting issues to light...

What are the limits of free speech?

Would the government be able to abridge a freedom of speech issue concerning the free exercise of a group's religious beliefs?

Do folks around the world (and I mainly mean Muslims in other countries) really understand how our government often has its hands tied when it comes to controlling the forms of self-expression that Americans can choose to engage in?

Why do many of the folks who were protesting the planned event chanting "Death to America" or "Death to the Christians"? The folks who were going to burn the Koran are an insanely small group of people compared to Americans and/or Christians.

Had violent retribution taken place, could it be attributed in part to Jones or only to the perpetrators?

As I've said before, although I totally thought the action would have been foolish, I fully supported the rights of Jones and his supporters to do what they were going to do. I'm just happy that he came up with an excuse to end the furor. I support those who would burn any book or flag or effigy even though such actions are pointless and silly. I have my own (partial at least) answers to the above questions. What do you think?