Saturday, February 25, 2012

NRC stuff for Browns Ferry 2/18-2/25/12; Think local; 306 BBQ

This is the material regarding Browns Ferry posted in ADAMS for the past week...

  1. ML103080043 - November 16, 2010 Applications and Amendments to Facility Operating Licenses Involving No Significant Hazards Considerations.
  2. ML12045A343 - LER 10-003-02, for Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, Unit 1, Regarding Failure of a Low Pressure Coolant Injection Flow Control Valve.
  3. ML12055A063 - 02/29/2012-Notice of Forthcoming Meeting with Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Regarding Fire Protection.

For those in the Athens, AL/Limestone county area, check out the "Limestone Ledger" (list of local goings-on) from the Athens News Courier.

Speaking of thinking local, we tried 306 BBQ this afternoon. I had heard good things about the restaurant, so we decided to visit. If you're in the Athens area (living or visiting), check it out...

306 BBQ also has a page on Facebook...