Saturday, January 21, 2012

Quick list of weekly NRC stuff for Browns Ferry, gotta get ready for night shift

  1. ML120170091 - Press Release-II-12-001: NRC Schedules Meeting Jan. 26 to Discuss Inspection at Browns Ferry Nuclear Power Plant.
  2. ML12017A098 - Annual Letter - Generic Fundamentals Examination (GFE) Section.
  3. ML12010A164 - LER 11-001-01 for Browns Ferry, Unit 3, Regarding Loss of Shutdown Cooling (RHR).
  4. ML120190050 - Requests verification of RB Pyle & LJ Ellis as attys of record & info re response to admissibility of petitioner late-filed contentions. (from 1981)

Fortunately, SOPA and PIPA are on hold for right now. I don't engage in the voracious downloading that the RIAA or MPAA seem to have lobbied the sponsor and co-sponsors of these bills to try and put into law. However, I figure with as much as the industry has spent lobbying since pre-DMCA, they could have innovated and embraced technology to make it work more towards their own ends. By the way, here's a SOPA LOLcat...

funny pictures - I made you a cookie LOL
see more Lolcats and funny pictures, and check out our Socially Awkward Penguin lolz!

Quick political stab here...

Some members of the right seem to be coming out in support of Gingrich although he's had a history of infidelity. I try not to judge much one way or the other, but let's not forget, Gingrich was one of the leaders in the impeachment proceedings against Bill Clinton based, at least in part, on his indiscretions.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Now There’s a Congressional Record App for That

The Congressional Record App is presented by the Library of Congress. It was an initiative of the House leadership under the guidance of the Committee on House Administration.

Visit our blog, In Custodia Legis, for more information on the new iPad app.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

While I'm at it, say NO to PIPA! #StopPIPA #PIPA

Please tell your Congress member no to SOPA! #StopSOPA #SOPA

Stop SOPA and PIPA!

If you've checked out Wikipedia today, you have probably seen the blackout page. Wikipedia is not alone in the blackout or opposition to SOPA/PIPA. Here's the info page on why Wikipedia chose to engage in the black-out. Wikipedia and other sites have great write-ups on why SOPA/PIPA are so potentially harmful, so I don't need to bother writing why these pieces of legislation are CRAP!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Thought about running a 5K or a 10K but not sure how to start?

The Fleet Feet Huntsville's Next Steps 10K training program starts March 7. The training actually begins the week after and aims to have you ready for the Cotton Row 10K at the end of May. As described on the page where you sign up, the Next Steps training runs start at three miles. If you're not ready for that, check out the No Boundaries Program. This one aims to have you ready for a 5K. There are multiple events and available times associated with the No Boundaries program, so check it out...