Friday, January 22, 2010

A preliminary recap of 1/21/10 tornado from NWS Huntsville

Crazy Mother Nature....

Tornadoes in January are somewhat unusual, but Huntsville was hit by one yesterday. Fortunately, there were no fatalities. WAFF's community gallery site has some decent pix and videos...

And to think, when all this stuff started going down, we were gorging ourselves (I was, with three plates from the buffet) on Chinese food...

Thursday, January 21, 2010

I'm sure that anyone who would read this has probably used Wikipedia...

I end up there occasionally. Have you ever given consideration to creating an account? If so, here are some of the reasons to do so...

One of my favorite features (with an account) is the ability to convert any Wikipedia page to a PDF file....

Mainly links here...

Some interesting weather stuff for the new year:

  1. 2010 Storm Spotter Class Schedule 

  2. 2009 Annual Climate Summary 

  3. 2009 Tornado Storm Data 

  4. 2009 Tornado Summary 

  5. 2009 Annual Climate Statistics 

  6. December 2009 Climate Summary 

  7. El NiƱo Impacts in the Tennessee Valley 

I'm actually giving serious consideration to checking out the spotter class in Athens on March 9th. That might be pretty interesting and I think I'm off of work that night...

That whole escapade in Massachusetts turned out to be quite a surprise. It's kind of amazing that the tide would turn just one year into the current administration. I'm sure that it was just disillusionment with the state of "things" in general. I was disillusioned by both parties quite some time ago...