Tuesday, December 21, 2010

ZP-2 – nEW dIRECTIONS – Free! FREE!! FREE!!! | Zzaj Productions

ZP-2 – nEW dIRECTIONS – Free! FREE!! FREE!!! | Zzaj Productions: "
Source: zzaj.freehostia.com
In the spirit of the holidays (and because I need to test something on my FTP site), I’m giving away (free, no charge) a CD titled “ZP-2 - nEW dIRECTIONS”; It features Jeff Olson, Dick Metcalf and Stacey Gravatt, as well as a “guest shot” (on drums) by my long-time playing partner Harlan Mark Vale

Monday, December 20, 2010

I'm wondering if it's just an oversight or the Senate trying to be sneaky...

Here's the vote tally for the repeal of DADT on Saturday. I find it interesting that when it was posted on Saturday (and remaining so still) that the "Measure title" section reads "A bill to amend the Small Business Act with respect to the Small Business Innovation Research Program and the Small Business Technology Transfer Program, and for other purposes."

In other news, congratulations to Committed for their win on The Sing-Off.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

18 years ago today...

Suzanne and I got married! Hard to believe she's put up with me that long, eh?

Happy Anniversary!!!