Check out some of the info for "SILENCE!" (a musical adaptation of Silence of the Lambs (not necessarily a family friendly page)). You can also download the opening number from FOX NEWS: THE MUSICAL. Scary! I heard about SILENCE! from an individual at work. Speaking of at least slightly older movies...
WarGames is on TV right now. We were just discussing this movie at work the other night. I enjoyed this movie back in the day...
While I'm on the topic of "global thermonuclear war", it's five minutes to midnight. OK, it's really around eight in the morning here, but the Doomsday Clock is at five to midnight. It will be interesting watching the clock over the coming years.
I'm thinking that it's about time to crash. Bye y'all!
PS: Before I leave, I have to highly recommend something. Run, DO NOT WALK, to your nearest grocery store and buy a pint of either the Creme Brulee or Cinnamon Buns ice cream from Ben and Jerry's. They are both heavenly...