- ML11234A177 - Browns Ferry, Units 1, 2 and 3 Supplemental Information Regarding Extending Completion Times for Technical Specification 3.8.1 (TAC Nos. ME5036, ME5037, and ME5038), dated January 19, 2011.
- ML112411461 - Browns Ferry Mid-Cycle Assessment Report 22.
- *ML112411454 - Letter - Mid Cycle Assessment Letter for Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant.
- *ML112411393 - Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant - Notification of Inspection and Request for Information for Part 1 of NRC Supplemental Inspection.
- ML11208C445 - Brunswick Independent, Harris 1, Robinson 2, Robinson Independent, and Crystal River 3 - Transmittal Letter - Notices of Consideration of Approval of Application for Indirect License Transfers Resultinf from Proposed Merger. Note - I'm not sure why this one was included in a search with Browns Ferry other than it references one of our units by docket number.
- ML11199A045 - G20110523/LTR-11-0411/EDATS: SECY-2011-0411 - Ltr. to Rep. E.J. Markey frm Chairman Jaczko re: NRC Safety Requirements for Reactors Granted Construction Permits Prior to 1971.
Well, not far from going in for night two (of four) of the night shift. Last night wasn't overly bad from a standpoint of being tired. Heck, I even got home and ran 4.5 miles. However, I think I'll take a running break tomorrow for a little extra snooze time and a chance to nurse a sore calf...