I didn't figure that I had a great deal to say. The following are documents that were added to the NRC's ADAMS system for the week of 6/29/09-7/05/09:
Browns Ferry Unit 1 & site
1. Forwards TVA documents to be released to PDR.
2. Request encl N Markisohn 890821 & J Donohew 891106 ltrs be placed in PDR.
3. Forwards order modifying licenses to require preservation of integrity of original unexpurgated records,prohibiting removal of records & providing NRC access to original records for insp & copying.
4. Notification of rescheduled 860512 meeting w/util in Bethesda,MD to discuss util inspector general interaction w/employee concern program.Meeting rescheduled from morning to afternoon.
5. Notification of 851218 meeting w/TVA in Chattanooga,TN to discuss TVA proposed responses to questions raised by NRC 850917 ltr re 10CFR50.54(f).
6. Forwards transcript of 851212 meeting w/TVA in Bethesda,MD re progress on concerns described in NRC 10CFR50.54(f) ltr.
7. Order modifying licenses to prohibit removal of unexpurgated original records from employee concern program & providing notice of 5 working days before control of unexpurgated records relinquished.
8. Forwards encls to rept to Commission on status of staff actions re TVA.Staff actions will be discussed at next Commission meeting on 860207.
9. Meeting Announcement - Category 2 Public Meeting, 2009 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Initial Examination Development Workshop.
10. Browns Ferry, Initial Exam 2008-302 Post Exam Comments.
11. Letter from F. Godwin, TVA to NRC on Browns Ferry Proposed Request for Exemption from 10 CFR 50, Appendix R. Paragraph lll.G.2, Fire Protection of Safe Shutdown Capacity.
12. Browns Ferry, Units 1, 2, and 3, Corrections to Amendment Nos. 274, 301, and 260 Regarding Control Rod Notch Test Frequency.
13. Browns Ferry, Units 1, 2, and 3 - Technical Specifications (TS) Change TS-466-T - Request for One-time Extensions of TS 3.8.1 Condition B Required Action B.4 Completion Time - Emergency Diesel Generators (EDGs) A, B, C, D, 3A, 3B, 3C, and 3D.
14. Browns Ferry, Initial Exam 2008-302 Final Administrative Documents.
15. Browns Ferry Initial Exam 2008-302 Final Simulator Scenarios.
16. Browns Ferry Initial Exam 2008-302 Final SIM/In-Plant JPMs.
17. Browns Ferry Initial Exam 2008-302 Final Administrative JPMs.
18. Browns Ferry Initial Exam 2008-302 Draft SRO Written Exam.
19. Browns Ferry Initial Exam 2008-302 Draft Simulator Scenarios.
20. Browns Ferry Initial Exam 2008-302 Draft Sim/In-Plant JPMs.
21. Browns Ferry Initial Exam 2008-302 Draft RO Written Exam.
22. Browns Ferry Initial Exam 2008-302 Draft Administrative JPMs.
23. Browns Ferry Initial Exam 2008-302 Draft Administrative Documents.
Browns Ferry Unit 2
10. Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant Unit 2 - Withdrawal of Relief Request (2-ISI-22) For Repair of Classes 1, 2, and 3 Austenitic Stainless Steel Piping (TAC No. ME1320).
Browns Ferry Unit 3
Nothing additional