Saturday, December 14, 2013

NRC docs for Browns Ferry 12/7 - 12/14/13; My 2nd amendment exercise; You'd better get your license to join in capitalism

  1. ML13333A164 - LER 13-002-00 for Browns Ferry, Unit 2 Regarding High Pressure Coolant Injection System Declared Inoperable Due to an Unqualified Electrical Splice.
  2. ML13340A382 - Part 21 Reportable Condition Notification: Failure of Relay Logic Card Modules in 2 Out of 4 Voters.
  3. ML13309A080 - Memorandum to File: Transcript for 10 CFR 2.206 Petition From Beyond Nuclear (et al) Regarding General Electric Mark I and Mark II Boiling-Water Reactors (TAC No. MF1176).
  4. ML13309A230 - Transcript of 10 CFR Petition Review Board Re[Garding] General Electric Mark I and II [Boiling Water Reactors] BWRs, 09-30-2013, Pages 1-98[100].
  5. ML13339A333 - Tennessee Valley Authority - Response to NRC Request for Information Pursuant to Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations 50.54(f) Regarding the Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant Seismic Walkdown Results of Recommendation 2.3 of the Near-Term Task...
  6. ML13345A613 - Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, Units 1, 2, and 3 - Registration of Use of Cask to Store Spent Fuel.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Diets through time; My choice (come out and play volleyball today at 4 PM)

Speaking for myself, I'll choose volleyball and a bit of running today. Other days it's kayaking, biking, or something else...