Monday, July 12, 2004

The closed minds...

When Suzanne told me that the link that I had posted to a certain rabid conservative site wasn't working and indeed popped the clicker back to my site, I was pissed. Why? It's kind of like you're standing in the midst of a group of people (the net) conversing with your friends (those who might read my drivel). You point to somebody (the site in question) and say, "Look, it's an asshole!" But as you're speaking, they have pointed your finger back at you without your knowledge. I personally happen to think that the tactic of denying certain referers is silly (unless they are porn-peddlers or terrorists) but it's perfectly fine for them to do. These "patriotic" Americans I am talking about are supposed to be capitalists. I even have conservative friends who might consider buying "W" ketchup or one of the books the individuals in question sell from their website.

I was pissed off so what did I do? I found a way around the site's piddly-ass little referer block. I have since stopped using it because I realized that these are the type of people who don't like alternative views (and the method I was using could escalate).

These are the types of people who want a throng of lock-step junior Republicans smashing Dixie Chicks CDs and burning controversial books. These are the closed minds.

Republicons aren't the only ones who will bitch and whine about the importance of free speech and then set about denying it to others. The left has its share of people who do the same thing.

In the spirit of friendly dialogue, all I can say to you "closed mind" types (and yes, you idiots are right along the lines of McCarthy) is:

Closed minds take heed

By the way, although it's old, here's a great clip (RealPlayer) with PABAAH's founder and Ed Asner (one of the "unpatriotic" types)...

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