What gives? It's a (actually two POF-mobiles) car towing a trailer with a 12' statue of Dubya with his pants "on fire". The itineraries for the two PantsOnFire-mobiles can be viewed here. I think that it would KICK ASS to tool this thing around Cedar Rapids, IA in the run-up to the election in November.
I often bring up Libertarians here. Having thought about it, I don't think I've ever really pointed to anything that talks about Libertarianism. For a site with some good explanations (or links to explanations), go here. Most simply put (if you don't feel like reading a lot), libertarians believe that individuals are best suited to determine the courses of their lives (rather than a large and over-taxing bureaucracy) in a society of laws under the Constitution. As the Wiccans say, "An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will." (no, I'm not a Wiccan)
Applied to government:
Welfare? Privatize it or make it charitable. Education? Make it private. Income tax? Abolish it! The "war on drugs"? That's worked very well now, hasn't it? Many parts of the government are bloated and wasteful and their functions would be best carried out by private entities much more efficiently (making it possible to slash or abolish income taxes). Only those things which state governments couldn't accomplish (e.g. defense of the country and perhaps a few other things) would be maintained at a federal level. With smaller government, there would be less government regulation. Libertarians tend to believe that markets and industry (and on the micro-scale individuals) can regulate themselves in order to stay competitive and maintain high quality, eradicating the need for government involvement (and added cost). There's a hell of a lot more to it than that...
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