Monday, August 16, 2004

There was a story in the New York Times the other day about the FBI questioning potential protesters in NY...

They say they are just looking for people who could become violent during the Republican convention at the end of August. The original piece can be read here. The FBI's response is here.

Interestingly enough, the FBI's front page (on 8/16 @ 2105 CDT) is touting the FOIA "virtual reading room". The FBI has been known to go overboard in the past. Imagine how far they could go if they tested the bounds of the Patriot Act.

I can just see it now...

News flash: The FBI has announced that whole new classes of protesters planning to show up in NYC for the Republican convention will be subject to increased scrutiny and/or questioning. New guidance has been passed on to FBI field offices to question potential protesters who plan to attend the Republican convention at the end of August and have any of the following attributes:

a voice

Questioned about the new groups of people to be interrogated (oops, he meant to say questioned politely), an anonymous senior FBI official said, "Feet and hands are obvious. Anyone who has seen a Bruce Lee movie knows that feet and hands can be deadly weapons. Paper and/or computers? Gutenberg's printing press launched a revolution in the ability of people to learn and make up their own minds. We don't need any revolutions during this convention, do we?"

I'm sure things will never go this far (or will they?) but I will be watching closely. Imagine if KING George had tools as sweeping as the PATRIOT Act...

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