Thursday, September 09, 2004

We're about T-20 days and counting...

Gnomedex 4.0! Sep. 30 - Oct. 3 at Lake Tahoe, NV!

Perhaps I'll have my desktop fixed by then. At least I've got the laptop. I had a few issues with my desktop recently and now it's acting like the power supply is wonky. If I have to buy many more new parts, I might just bite the bullet and buy a cheap new system. I like the ease of piece by piece replacement. Heck, I've had most of my current system for at least four years (some pieces longer). However, it seems like the point of diminishing returns is getting near.

Charley came and went. That beeeeeyotch Frances did another number on Florida. Ivan's now waiting in the wings. You might ask what the next series of storms will be named. Click here and see. Actually, that whole site has a great deal of information.

P.S. - I was able to mow the lawn today without killing any bunnies. However, I think I did scare the crap out of them. Perhaps they are scarred for life. For what it's worth, I don't subscribe to the philosophies presented at the aforementioned link. I just thought it was funny.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had the same thing happen to me a couple years ago. I was renting at the time, and living where I do in the midwest, the bunnies multiply like... well, like rabbits! I was mowing and came across a burrow that I'd never seen before. Once I killed the one bunny, the mother never came back and the other one died as well. I felt pretty bad about it, and have always been a little more careful since.

John -