One reason is that the politicians of the world seem to like to distort things a little. The earliest reference I can find to this year's flu vaccine issues is from late August. Chiron said there were issues but they expected to be able to make up for it by early October. I'm willing to bet that our government took that announcement at face value. This issue isn't quite as easy as certain candidates for President are trying to make it seem. Anything to raise the Nov. 2 tally...
The contamination (I'm sure that you well-read people out there already know this) in this batch of vaccine was Serratia marcescens. I find it interesting that our government used it for bio-weapons research and presumably caused a drastic increase in pneumonia and urinary tract infections in and around the San Fran Bay Area in the 1950s. More on that can be found here.
Our bank offers downloadable account transaction records in three different formats. One of them is Excel. I don't have Excel on my laptop (I do have Open Office). Every time I was attempting to download a spreadsheet, IE crashed. I figured Open Office might automatically take care of it. I forgot to tell Windows to use Open Office to open .xls files. Another way to go about things is to download one (or more) of the MS Office file viewers from here. I downloaded the viewer and changed all associations to use Open Office. It's not that the viewers don't work. I just want to be able to manipulate the data and the viewers only let you look.
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