Well, at least it was mundane once I woke up. I'm ready to go back to work. Excepting the 12 hours of OT I worked on Sunday night, I've been off since last Friday morning. Today is the beginning of Suzanne's weekend.
Can you imagine what life will be like for Lynndie's baby if she gets hammered at her court martial?
Speaking of the Iraqi abuse...
The RAND Corporation released a paper earlier this year titled Public Diplomacy: How to Think About and Improve It (.pdf file). I'm sure that Lynndie and her compadres didn't do much for America's image. The paper brings up some of the works of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Nelson Mandela. There are some great online repositories that include some of their respective works here and here.
I was considering watching the debates this evening, but we're not going to. First, Suzanne says she would be bored to tears. Second, most of the things we'll hear have been said repeatedly for at least the past ten months. Third, I've lost interest...
I haven't lost interest in seeing that Mike gets votes. Unfortunately, I won't be able to take part in the activities of the QC Badnarik Meetup group this weekend. This happens to be the weekend when they plan to hit the streets waving Badnarik signs. However, duty calls and seeing that I recently returned from vacation, I can't justify taking the time off this weekend. Drat!
I'm glad to hear that the US Supreme Court will tackle "Ten Commandments" issues. That could get interesting.
Well, I've gotta run. Suzanne's jonesing to get to Outback.
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