Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Well, I suppose....

John Kerry gave a pretty good fight and George W. Bush and friends are shrewd politicians. Congrats, Dubya. I just hope you'll be more of the uniter invoked in your victory speech today during this term. Hey, I guess not all is lost. As I've mentioned before, Kerry wouldn't have changed much anyway. More importantly, will have four more years of fresh verbal fodder.

I think that a big thanks and good job should go to Michael Badnarik and the other alternative candidates who worked a long time doing the thankless job of getting their word out as much as possible without much assistance or coverage. Check out Michael's book! The Libertarian Presidential vote (percentage and tally) went up by more than double in our county this year.

Suzanne sent me an e-mail earlier this evening. It was a parody of the simple task of ordering a pizza under the Patriot Act. She just got it as a forward today. I figured that I'd try to find out how old it was. The link above is the earliest version that I've been able to find on the internets. I only bring it up because of the recent high profile political events. Renewal and refinement of Patriot is one of Bush's thrusts over the next four years.

I frequently gripe about Patriot here. People sometimes ask me, "If you haven't done anything, why are you worried about it?" Up until just now (really, just now), I haven't had a simple answer. To me the key lies in "haven't done anything". If I haven't done anything, I shouldn't have to worry about my library records being checked because I'm researching the history of jihad as an Islamic concept or DCS-1000 looking at what websites I visit. The worst part to me is that finding out if either of those things happened would approach impossibility unless the government released that type of info out of the goodness of their hearts. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. We'll see what happens...

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