The fine people of Athens made (again, my humble opinion) the proper decision last night. I'm not saying there are no adverse effects of alcohol. Heck, I'm living proof. However, it is possible to work through those kinds of issues and just making the city dry wouldn't have ended them anyway. Besides, I found out (I kind of suspected before arriving) that our precinct wasn't voting on the wet-dry thing anyway....
Well, it looks like people aren't being as careful on the roads during the "Take Back Our Highways" campaign as they probably should be. It's not like this little traffic jihad came unannounced or anything....
I was glad to hear that my father and family survived Flossie out in Hawaii. I forgot to ask him if he had been that close to a hurricane before. I imagine that he's seen a typhoon or two from the time he was in Korea. I'll have to ask him. Yo, daddy-o, ever been through a tropical-type storm?
Well, I need to go shower right now. I'm stinky. Good night, folks!
PS, for a cool video (this was very spiffy live), click "read more"...
Ah - you BET'chum... the year I was in Thailand, we had typhoon for phroggin' LUNCH... got caught in one of them, on the way back to my quarters, & ALMOST didn't MAKE it back... just TONS of rain & a lotta' STUPH blowin' 'round!
I didn't even think about Thailand...
I think that every time a hurricane approached Virginia, my carrier headed out to sea to avoid it. We did see some tropical crap in Orlando...
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