Friday, September 28, 2007

As can be gathered from a few events over the past couple of days....

The person responsible for will have plenty of material for at least the next year. I suppose it's all in good fun. I'm not one of those types of folks who would say I "hate" Dubya. I vehemently disagree with a number of things that have taken place while he's been "the man", but I've disagreed with the actions and stances of many politicians. I'm sure the next President will provide plenty of fodder for contemptuous comment....

A band that I recently added to my friends on was looking for assistance in the voting for best newcomer at I happened to look at the results of the vote from last year and I found some decent stuff. However, my favorite (by far) was Angelzoom. I zoomed (haha) on over to the Angelzoom page at and when I saw the cover of Depeche Mode's Blasphemous Rumors, I was impressed. A quick listen to some of the other music had me hooked. Check it out, if you dare.....

If you're more in the mood to hear something cultural/educational, check out this listing of podcasts from the Smithsonian Institution.....

Peace, y'all!

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