Friday, October 26, 2007

Sometimes my sense gets thrown right out the window......

I did a good thing by running for close to an hour this afternoon. And then.....

I just polished off (estimate) close to 15 pieces of pizza and a little ice cream concoction at a local pizza buffet. Oh, I can't forget the bowl of cottage cheese. Tasty dinner, though....

I was slightly bummed this morning and some readers will be much more familiar with what I'm talking about. I happened to be in downtown Huntsville during the daytime for the first time in ages. I figured that I'd go check out an old weekend haunt where I went with my parents probably every Saturday morning during the early 80s. I figured that I'd get a good espresso or cappuccino. Unfortunately, the Kaffeeklatsch doesn't do that kind of thing anymore. I wonder how long it's been since they got rid of the old espresso machine. At least they're still in the roasting business.....

I don't even remember why I started looking for magazines published by the US government, but here's a good place to start finding them. Here's info right from the horse's mouth.....


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