There are a few more contests in Maine and Florida and then it's Super Tuesday. Hopefully the field will be much more narrow after February 5.
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There's a little boycott going on in Alabama. You might wonder what the boycott is about. Alabama has some EXTRAORDINARILY quaint laws that limit the alcohol content and size of beers that can be sold. Unfortunately, that means that many "gourmet' and specialty beers can't be sold in this state. "Free The Hops" is part of a drive to fix Alabama's silly laws regarding the alcohol content of beer. Heck, you can run down to the package store and pick up Bacardi 151 or Everclear....
Anyway, back to the boycott. If you live around Birmingham, the Birmingham Budweiser distributor is fighting local efforts in Birmingham to change the Birmingham statutes to allow the sale of higher alcohol content beer. Free The Hops is spearheading a boycott of Budweiser distributors and products in the Birmingham area. "Oh no, we can't allow GREAT BEER to be sold in Birmingham. We might lose business......."
It's been a while! If you're asking "For what?", I've posted some new songs over at my MySpace artist profile. They're the top four songs on the player. Check'em out......
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