Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patrick's Day, y'all!

What else does March (that part which hasn't already passed us by) have in store? Well, Wikipedia (as always) has juicy tidbits of info about the day and the month.

Among other things, March is Women's History Month and National Nutrition Month. From a health standpoint, including National Nutrition Month, there are 7 month-long national health observances in March.

I'm sure that it's probably a "week of" many things, but here are a couple of specifics:

National Inhalants and Poisons Awareness Week

National Poison Prevention Week

Sunshine Week - Your right to know

Somewhat along that line of thinking, the FBI Inspector General's most recent reports about the FBI's use of national security letters (for 2006) and Section 215 of the Patriot Act (heavily redacted and also for 2006) were put online recently.

Well, y'all have fun now! I'm out of here.....

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