Sunday, July 12, 2009

These are a few of my favorite things....

• Enjoyed Mongolian grill-style food for a long time now. A new Mongolian grill joint recently opened in Huntsville and it's pretty good: Stir Fry Mongolian Grill

• CHOCOLATE! Found a new one at Wally World made by Chuao Chocolatier: Chuao Chocolate

• Liberty! Ask anyone who knows me and they'll probably tell you that I was not a fan of the last group of people to hold the reins of power in DC. Some things they did were right (in my view) or right-minded but plenty of others were not. Some of the things that Obama and company are currently doing are right or right-minded but, again, some are not. I enjoy reading a lot of the material from They discuss plenty of things that seem right to me and do it far more eloquently than I could ever hope to: The Cato Institute

• Funny cats! 'nuff said: ICanHasCheezburger

• Concerts in big Spring Park: Huntsville Arts Council's Conerts in the Park

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