I'm back on the schedule for working nights now. That starts tomorrow night. Hence, today has been a fairly lazy day. I'll do my sweating later on....
The afternoon began with a quick trip into Huntsville for a visitation. Y'all have our continuing condolences...
On the way home, my sweet tooth got the better of me. We stopped by the Cinnabon place in Madison Square Mall to pick up a post-dinner dessert. I really need to get my sweat on after eating one of these...
After dinner, we watched our standard complement of Thursday evening shows. ABC's (the network showing FlashForward) running a serious ad blitz for V. The show looks like it has promise. I remember watching V regularly back in the '80s....
Zzaj put out Issue 95 of ImprovijazzationNation recently. Check that out! Or this:
I was going to post last night, but I just didn't feel up to it. Yesterday was the 8th anniversary of American forces being in Afghanistan. There were a lot of mistakes made before we went in this time (all the way back to that putz Reagan). There were mistakes made in the implementation of us going in this time. And there have been plenty of mistakes made since then. I realize that folks are inclined to call my opinions "armchair quarterbacking" and sniping and griping (some of the nicer things folks can say or have said). Those folks are probably right, but sorry, they are my opinions. Most (if not all) of the mistakes are those made by the civilian leadership of the armed forces. To this day, I still believe that we never had the amount of force necessary to accomplish the nebulous mission we set forth for our troops in Afghanistan. That was partially a result of Iraq and partially a result of military transformation among plenty of other things. Some of those things were beyond the control of anyone. Others were not. I wish ALL of our military everywhere the best and hope that they can come home safely as quickly as conditions allow. I hope that those in charge can make more right decisions than wrong ones.
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