Friday, December 04, 2009

One of my holiday food downfalls.....

is eggnog. I can't fully explain why my tastebuds are so tantalized by the flavor. They just are. I can get into a store, buy a quart and down it VERY quickly. As in five minutes....

Anyway, I've had two varieties of the Hood EggNog. I've had the Pumpkin Eggnog and the Sugar Cookie Eggnog. I like both flavors, but of the two, I TOTALLY DIG the Sugar Cookie Eggnog. If, like me, you're an eggnog fan, find some. You'll probably love it.

The purpose of this post is twofold. I recently noticed a function of the Google toolbar called sidewiki. It allows you to:

-Publish helpful information about any web page right in your browser
-Read insights in context from Sidewiki entries added by others
-Share Sidewiki entries through Blogger, Facebook, Twitter and Google profiles

I'm checking out how the blog posting works with this post. Wanna give it a whirl?

in reference to: Hood® | EggNog (view on Google Sidewiki)

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