Two "icons" of the conservative world today seemed less than enthusiastic about what was going on in Egypt. Beck seems to think it's the beginning of world-wide pandemonium. Old Rush called the demonstrators at Tahrir feminists and "avowed socialists, leftists, communists, environmentalists."
Zoom back in time six years and recall who made the following statement:
"To promote peace and stability in the broader Middle East, the United States will work with our friends in the region to fight the common threat of terror, while we encourage a higher standard of freedom. Hopeful reform is already taking hold in an arc from Morocco to Jordan to Bahrain. The Government of Saudi Arabia can demonstrate its leadership in the region by expanding the role of its people in determining their future. And the great and proud nation of Egypt, which showed the way toward peace in the Middle East, can now show the way toward democracy in the Middle East."
The man who spoke those words was none other than Dubya. Glory child of the media of the right. The statement above came in the 2005 State of the Union.
Seems all Sarah Palin could ask (via tweet and on her birthday) was whether the media would ask "Will Obama Admin exert as much 'constructive' pressure on Iranian govt to change & allow freedom ~ as they just did for Egypt?"
Yet again, seeming oblivion to the differences in the situations and relations between the US and the governments of Egypt and Iran.
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