Saturday, April 16, 2011

Mo Brooks invokes Socialism (video and Congressional Record) and BFN docs from the NRC 4/9/11 to 4/16/11

Mo Brooks raised a bit of a stir by calling elements of the House "socialist" yesterday.

Video of Mo Brooks invoking the "S" word on the House floor (4/15/11)

The Congressional Record (with the phrase stricken) page (H2867) of the House proceedings at the time (to provide context)

NRC docs for BFN - week of 4/9/11 to 4/16/11

  1. ML110940027 - LER 10-004-01 for Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, Unit 1 Regarding Residual Heat Removal System Pump Motor Failure.
  2. ML111010106 - 04/04/11 Summary Of Meeting With Browns Ferry To Discuss One Preliminary Greater Than Green Finding Associated With One Apparent Violation That Was Documented In NRC Inspection Report 05000259-10-005, 05000260-10-005, And 05000296-10-005.
  3. ML110950683 - Browns Ferry, Units 1, 2 & 3, Sequoyah, Units 1 & 2, Watts Bar, Unit 1, Submittal of Annual Insurance Status Report.
  4. ML110960072 - Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, Units 1, 2, & 3, Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 & 2 & Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Unit 1, Guarantee of Payment of Deferred Premiums - 2010 Annual Report.
  5. ML110960073 - Browns Ferry, Units 1, 2 & 3, Sequoyah, Units 1 & 2, and Watts Bar, Unit 1, Submittal of Decommissioning Funding Status Report.
  6. ML110960589 - LER 10-003-01, for Browns Ferry, Unit 1, Regarding Failure of a Low Pressure Coolant Injection Flow Control Valve.
  7. ML110960744 - LER 10-005-01, For Browns Ferry, Unit 1, Regarding Safety/Relief Valves As-Found Setpoints Exceeded Technical Specification Lift Pressure Values.
  8. ML111030547 - Browns Ferry - NRC Generic Fundamentals Examination Results - March 2011.

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