Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Brief weekend recap; Happy Valentine's Day; Obligatory NRC ADAMS stuff from last week

So, I'll start by saying that this past weekend was MOST EXCELLENT! It all started on Friday with a fairly uneventful drive from here to Greensboro, GA. By the time we arrived, it was pretty much time to crash to be ready for what turned out to be the most physically challenging event I have ever particpated in. It was awesome to have someone else out there running. Thanks and congratulations, Shawn. Additionally, it was utterly cool to have someone else who ended up running along most of the course and taking some great pictures along the way (not to mention running in the half marathon the next day). Thanks (and also congrats), Tina. I won't go into too many specifics about how rough the TM course was. One of my biggest challenges was being VERY cold. Example?

Further Saturday Tough Mudder pix from Georgia can be viewed here.

After that was done, it was about noon GA time and we set out for Birmingham, AL. By the time we were all set up in the hotel room, it was dinner time. Tasty food. Beyond that, a few e-mails and it was time to crash again. Another early and colder morning (at least there was no water involved) set the mood for Sunday morning's little 2-2.5 hour romp through Birmingham. The women I was there to run with did a SUPERB job! Personally, I was just happy to have finished. My knee was killing me. Congrats and/or thanks to all parties involved in running/being there (Shawn, Tina, Sarah, Stephanie, Michael)!

After the drive home, I had to drive into Huntsville to meet Suzanne at her parents' house. We had planned to go have a nice dinner (early Valentine's since I have odd hours this week) at Bonefish Grill. Dinner was great and capped off by a serious dessert from their "Specials" menu. CHOCOLATE CREME BRULEE!!! That was truly some excellent dessert.

Speaking of the above:

Happy Valentine's Day

A special Valentine's shout-out to Suzanne!

On a drier note, here's what the NRC posted in ADAMS about Browns Ferry the week of 2/4-2/11/2012:
  1. ML12037A092 - Public Meeting Summary for Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, Docket No. 50-259.
  2. ML12038A028 - Failure of CRD Collet Retainer Tube/Outer Tube Weld.
  3. ML12032A264 - LER 11-008-01 for Browns Ferry, Unit 1, Regarding High Vibrations on High Pressure Coolant Injection Booster Pump Thrust Bearings.
  4. ML12032A265 - LER 11-009-01 for Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, Unit 1 Regarding As-Found Undervoltage Trip for the Reactor Protection System 1A1 Relay that Did Not Meet Acceptance Criteria During Several Surveillances.
  5. ML12032A240 - Notification of Potential Part 21 - 60-Day Interim Report Notification: Failure of CRD Collet Retainer Tube/Outer Tube Weld.

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