The NRC only had one document posted for Browns Ferry in its ADAMS repository for the past week:
I've been (automatically, for the most part) downloading the Washington Post's daily crossword for the past several years. It's actually pretty easy. First, I use a quick and dirty batch file to download the applicable file.
---Copy below this and paste into a notepad file. Save as "all files"->[insert name].bat---
@echo off
echo %%date%% = %date%
for /f "tokens=1-3 delims=/" %%j in ("%date%") do (
set month=%%j
set day=%%k
set year=%%l
wget "" -O chron/chron.com_%month%-%day%-20%year%.jpz
----------End of batch, remove this line also----------
To make it automatic, set up a daily scheduled activity with Windows scheduler. When this file runs, you'll have a file called csYYMMDD.jpz. I convert the applicable .jpz to a .puz file using jpz2puz. You can find that here. When you convert the file to a .puz file, you can open it with something like the Across Lite Crossword Solver. Sharpen your word skills...
Fact checkers have been in the news for the past couple of days. Both the Democrats AND Republicans have had issues with the fact checkers. Maybe, just maybe, the fact checkers are doing it mostly right if they're angering both sides. For the most part, the fact checking sites do a much better job of including reference/source material than the campaigns that attack them do. To that end, I've seen mentioned multiple times (in various posts via FB and other social media) items like " is funded by George Soros". I take most of what I read online with a grain of salt. If you take what the Mikkelson's themselves have to say about that and bounce it against what a spot like has to say regarding the same rumor, you might at least feel a little better about the source of funding. On a related, but more aimed toward current affairs tack, here's a little piece discussing how both of the current major party Presidential campaigns continue to engage in word twisting/hyperbole/outright misinformation regarding Medicare funding. Make of it what you will, but I'd much rather have information that is sourced...
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