Saturday, November 03, 2012

3 docs in ADAMS regarding Browns Ferry 10/27 - 11/3/12; Go vote on Tuesday

  1. ML12299A252 - Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, Unit 1, Core Operating Limits Report for Cycle 10 Operation.
  2. ML12306A409 - 11/15/12 Notice of Forthcoming Meeting with Tennessee Valley Authority Regarding AREVA XM Fuel Transition Request.
  3. ML12306A352 - Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, Unit 2 - Request for Additional Information Regarding Relief Request 2-ISI-28 (TAC No. ME8779).

Voting for the 2012 general election begins in around 72 hours. Obviously, I have my preferences about who wins. I won't likely sway anyone to vote my way and it's highly unlikely that any one will sway my vote at this point in the game. If you haven't already, just get out there and vote on Tuesday...

For what it's worth...

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