Saturday, January 04, 2014

NRC ADAMS Docs for Browns Ferry 12/28/13 - 1/4/14; 15K trail run; 100 mile challenge AKA LIVE!!!

  1. ML13354B851 - LER 13-003-01 for Browns Ferry, Unit 3 Regarding Automatic Reactor Shutdown Due to an Actuation of the Reactor Protection System from a Turbine Trip.
  2. ML13354B849 - LER 13-007-00 for Browns Ferry, Unit 1 Regarding High Pressure Coolant Injection System Declared Inoperable Due to an Inadvertent Actuation of the Primary Containment Isolation System.

I'm probably doing a 15K trail run next weekend (1/11/14). Anyone game?
Dirty Spokes - Monte Sano State Park

So far I've done slightly over 15 miles in the first three days of January 2014. Join me in the 2014 - "100 DAYS OF MILES" event on Facebook. You don't have to run or be fast or anything like that. Just get out there and log some miles! LIVE!!!

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