However, like every other news channel, as soon as the candidate debates are over, they analyze them to death in search of the elusive answer to the question of who won. What follows here is only my opinion, so please take it as such. I feel that the American voter has lost. There are a few undecideds left out there. They have probably waited for these debates as part of their decision-making process. What they are getting is a sanitized, scripted, and lackluster rewording of the stump speeches that we've all been hearing for close to a year now. Hell, check out the Memorandum of Understanding for this year's farce. The candidates can't directly question each other or participate in any alternative debates. I won't even mention what I think of the fact that Constitutionally qualified candidates with sufficient ballot access are excluded.
The Nobels for Physics, Chemistry, and Physiology/Medicine have been announced. The awards for Literature, Peace, and the Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel are due to be announced on October 7th, 8th, and 11th respectively. The Nobel site has some excellent material (or links to material) on Nobel winners.
The ACLU has a great portion of their website devoted to the Patriot Act and FOIA material they have obtained regarding Patriot. Searching through some of it, I found this chart of what the government can and can't do and under what circumstances. You've got to love the net!
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