I realize that I might sometimes come off as a raving lunatic bastard when I post here (particularly when talking about those who are in charge). I'm not a raving mad individual. I'm just frustrated by the political duopoly machine at times. I love this place and I wouldn't live anywhere else. That being said, I feel it necessary to spread the word that there ARE alternatives. Yeah, I won't change anything. Not by myself. I've heard catchphrases like "I wish there was an alternative choice" so many times. There are alternatives. I have mine, but there are others. However, when an alternative is presented, many people often seem to stick with one of the big parties for fear of a wasted vote. I don't see it changing anytime soon.
Here's why I feel that's dangerous. Bush says he believes in the concepts embodied in the UN. He also says that we won't ask them for permission to defend our country. He is right there. At one time, Kerry said that our troops wouldn't be deployed without the blessing of the UN. More recently, he mentioned the "global test". That's BS! However, my take on things is that Bush's war on terror (and the one in Iraq) have the potential to (and are) leading us down a slippery slope of interventionist foreign policy. When I speak about my choice, one of the biggest complaints I hear invokes the demon of isolationism. It's true (somewhat). If my choice became reality, we would try as much as possible to extricate ourselves from the governmental affairs of the rest of the world. I don't feel that that's a bad thing. We've opened and rubbed wounds in the interest of the US for the past one hundred years. Stepping back wouldn't end terrorism, but it would allow us to focus better and let us stop rubbing SOME of the wounds that, while not causing terrorism, aggravate the situation.
Is Gnomedex 5 in the works already? If we can make it next year, we will.
Well, I don't know what happened to the DHS Daily Reports culled from the news media at www.nipc.gov. If you're interested in those types of matters, there was some interesting info culled from the news and put all in one place. This source has reports that appear to be maintained.
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