Now to less important news...
We're actually watching the debate between Cheney and Edwards. Suzanne isn't watching very much. It would be cool if Edwards brought up Halliburton and Cheney dropped the F-bomb again. At least Cheney isn't making goofy looks of exasperation...
Speaking of the F-bomb...I was filtering through some of the IP traffic to my site. I noticed that several of the IPs were from Saudi Arabia. Without thinking much about it, I went searching through some of the IP range. It just so happens that I have IE titled with...let's just say a very colorful title. Hopefully I won't offend anybody who will be reading their logs. Must...use...Firefox...
Speaking of Firefox...Give it a shot!
John Edwards is bitching about outsourcing and John Kerry voted for NAFTA in 1993. I suppose that's similar to Cheney's disagreement with Dubya about the Federal Marriage Amendment. Viva la revolucion! When I mention to people that I'm voting Libertarian, people ask the inevitable question about a wasted vote. I always opine that a vote for either of the political juggernauts is a waste.
In closing, keep an eye out here.
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