Saturday, October 16, 2004

Gotta love those 12-hour days...

Actually, I like them and I hate them. I adore them because they afford me and my homies at work the chance to have a six-day stretch off. When I'm working them, I am sometimes less than fond of them because Suzanne works during the day and I don't get home until around 7 PM. At least the 12-hour days beat the 12-hour nights.

We just had time to eat dinner this evening and go fetch some ice. While we were eating (and when we got back from fetching), I saw one of the scariest reminders that we are indeed growing older. I tried to avert my eyes from Growing Pains: Return of the Seavers as much as possible.

The election season is nearly over and I'm tired of it. I'm also tired of the latest controversy (Kerry's example using Darth Cheney's daughter). Yes, it was a politically inspired barb. It may or may not have been planned. However, if the Grand Uniter and friends weren't so hell-bent on passing an amendment designed to deny a certain group of people freedom to live as they choose (at no harm to others), we wouldn't be having this little problem. My marriage isn't threatened by this. What's next, a federal marriage license?

Hahaha! Save for traveling, I currently have no use for a cell phone. Suzanne has one and we use it when we are traveling. The only problem I could see with this is if someone had an emergency call or was waiting for an important call. However, don't most modern cell phones have a "vibrate" feature? Our father...[ring-ring-ring], who art in Heaven, [opening chords of Beethoven's Fifth]...hallowed be thy [insert your own ring tone here] name...

I don't get spyware on my home machines. I can't say the same about some of our machines at work. I don't know if it's just irresponsible clicking, lack of attention, or stupid downloading habits, but one machine was swamped. Fortunately, I was able to de-louse the 'puter in question. I'm sure it will be bogged down again soon. The odd thing is that the AV solution that my company uses says it protects against some of the programs that were present. I firmly believe that in most cases, the user will remain the weakest link. Tech will be part of the solution, but there are clever folks out there who will figure away around the tech. The easiest way around the tech is often right through the user.

Well, I should probably skedaddle. Suzanne works way too early and I'll be off on a merry 12-hour adventure. Nighty-night!

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Ivan Shamiakin died today...

I had no idea who that was either. I just wanted to see if any notable deaths had occurred today. There's a limited selection of Shamiakin stories here (one German, one English, three Russian). I'm going to read the English one.

Yahoo! appears to have recently made more of their news content available via RSS. The speaker at Gnomedex said they would be increasing the amount of RSS material available. We also received Yahoo! Search mousepads as schwag in Tahoe. To see the shortcuts to use with Yahoo!'s search instead of that other one (which I totally dig), click here.

We caught wind of this at work today via e-mail. This is a prime example of what we'd call a teamwork failure. Nuclear operators work long and weird hours at times. We're supposed to help each other and make sure that we keep doing it right (e.g. staying awake). Nuclear worker fatigue is not a new issue by any means (as can be ascertained here). I just hope that the actions of one sleepy individual don't get the proposed working hour restrictions being suggested by this group rushed into place. We try our utmost to keep each other out of trouble where I work.

Ever in the mood to try something new, I downloaded this cool THING.

Thank you Thing.

What is this thing, you ask?

I've downloaded the Google Desktop search tool.

Oh yeah... one other cool thing I've downloaded recently is IZArc. Why do I like it? Here's one part of the answer:

"IZArc is the ultimate archive utility suports many archive formats like: 7-ZIP, A, ACE, ARC, ARJ, B64, BH, BZ2, BZA, CAB, CPIO, DEB, ENC, GCA, GZ, GZA, HA, JAR, LHA, LIB, LZH, MBF, MIM, PAK, PK3, RAR, RPM, TAR, TAZ, TBZ, TGZ, TZ, UUE, WAR, XXE, YZ1, Z, ZIP, ZOO."

The price is right (free, although I'll strongly consider supporting their work monetarily), the install was quick and easy, and from what I can tell, IZArc can decompress most anything. Very cool!

Perhaps more later...

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

I do NOT support John Kerry. I do NOT support George Bush.

However, hearing Dubya and Bill Frist (post-debate) say that John Kerry has done nothing in 20 years is getting slightly shallow, old, and seemingly misleading. I don't know how Kerry's record compares to that of any other Senator. However, he has sponsored bills and amendments to bills. Click on the links below to see the list of bills, amendments, and/or resolutions that Kerry has sponsored since 1985:

99th Congress (1985-1986)
100th Congress (1987-1988)
101st Congress (1989-1990)
102nd Congress (1991-1992)
103rd Congress (1993-1994)
104th Congress (1995-1996)
105th Congress (1997-1998)
106th Congress (1999-2000)
107th Congress (2001-2002)
108th Congress (2003-2004)

In order to maintain a hint of objectivity, I must note that I can't think of a bill with Kerry's name on it as I can with McCain-Feingold, Sarbanes-Oxley, or Nunn-Lugar-Domenici. However, that doesn't mean he's been windsurfing for 20 years...

Yeah, today was (and still is) pretty mundane...

Well, at least it was mundane once I woke up. I'm ready to go back to work. Excepting the 12 hours of OT I worked on Sunday night, I've been off since last Friday morning. Today is the beginning of Suzanne's weekend.

Can you imagine what life will be like for Lynndie's baby if she gets hammered at her court martial?

Speaking of the Iraqi abuse...

The RAND Corporation released a paper earlier this year titled Public Diplomacy: How to Think About and Improve It (.pdf file). I'm sure that Lynndie and her compadres didn't do much for America's image. The paper brings up some of the works of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Nelson Mandela. There are some great online repositories that include some of their respective works here and here.

I was considering watching the debates this evening, but we're not going to. First, Suzanne says she would be bored to tears. Second, most of the things we'll hear have been said repeatedly for at least the past ten months. Third, I've lost interest...

I haven't lost interest in seeing that Mike gets votes. Unfortunately, I won't be able to take part in the activities of the QC Badnarik Meetup group this weekend. This happens to be the weekend when they plan to hit the streets waving Badnarik signs. However, duty calls and seeing that I recently returned from vacation, I can't justify taking the time off this weekend. Drat!

I'm glad to hear that the US Supreme Court will tackle "Ten Commandments" issues. That could get interesting.

Well, I've gotta run. Suzanne's jonesing to get to Outback.

Monday, October 11, 2004

Suzanne was telling me that our niece called my in-laws today...

Our niece and her family had just returned from visiting Mickey Mouse. Olivia was telling my parents-in-law that today was a day off from school. I had no idea that today was a holiday (or at least local students had the day off). I suppose that the shiftwork addles my sense of time. 512 years... Damn, time flies!

Speaking of Christophers...

Go easy Kal-El!

Sean Penn... piss off! I really don't think that Trey and Matt are trying to encourage people not to vote. They might say something along those lines, but they are trying to be funny. That's what they do. Participating in the 2000 vote must have been a frustration to the 500,000 more people who voted for Gore over Dubya. The issue is even worse when you consider the usual complaints about "wishing for different options" and "voting for the lesser of two evils".

I love this picture. I was checking out Yahoo! news and I noticed that the lead picture in their news slideshow was a lioness carrying her cub from the Aalborg Zoo. That led me to the Aalborg Zoo website. I don't believe that I've ever gone to zoo sites looking for great animal pix. I love well-taken pictures of animals. I think it comes from having had a multi-volume animal encyclopedia set when I was younger. The pictures were gorgeous and the information about the animals was substantial for my age at the time.