Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Happy Day of the Ninja!

"Day of the Ninja" you ask? Heck, I don't know either, but it's yet another way to whittle away the time...

I got a message on the other day from another Butler High School '88 grad. As an aside... No, that doesn't mean I am old. I age second by second, but I have a long way to go until I am old. Anyway, she pointed me to yet another classmate tracking site. The cool thing here is that all the functionality is available without paying anything. They do suggest donations. Check it out and see if you are represented...

BTW, here's the page for Butler High School's class of 1988. For the mother unit (1 ea.), here's Western High School.....

In anticipation of the whole 20 year reunion thing, I started a group on Yahoo! for BHS '88 grads about five years ago. Check 'er out! On that note, I must bid y'all adieu...........


Monday, December 03, 2007

As usual, I'll be right handily pimpin' myself (well, my kitty).....

My kitty battling some girl in a bikini:

My kitty duking it out with a dog:

My kitty would LOVE your vote!

I'll end with some funny "Teletubby" videos that can be seen by clicking "read more"....

"Teletubbies wazzup"

"Teletubbies must die"

"Raving teletubbies"