Friday, June 29, 2007

Though I knew I hadn't "seen it all", I've seen quite a bit...

I only wish that I could've seen this. Perhaps a recording was made. I am a HUGE fan of the fusion of multiple styles of music. You can read what a Boston Herald reporter had to say about dance/club/electronica mixed with the Boston Pops here. I think that would have been HIGHLY interesting...

Sometimes I wish that I had thought to go see the Boston Pops when I was up in New York. Too late now...

Oh yeah, all fifteen of us made it through the final oral board. Woohoo!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

And so it ends...

The culmination of about 18 months of training happened today. The other eleven of the fifteen of us who have gone up for our boards so far have also experienced the satisfactory end of their training. We're all keeping our fingers crossed for the three individuals who go tomorrow...

I love being able to know my schedule far enough in advance that I can say without much doubt that I will be going to see Assemblage 23 in Nashville, TN on September 24. I thoroughly enjoy this band. I just bought Assemblage 23's most recent release titled Meta. There are several good songs but my (currently) absolute favorite is Binary. You might be able to discern why by listening to the "Binary Album Mix" here or the minute long snippet (assuming that it might eventually disappear from at the Meta preview page.

Well, you fine folks have fun! It's time to watch some Lil' Bush...

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

One interesting thing tonight...

Straight from the archives of the CIA...

Oh yeah, the finale of a year and a half of training should happen tomorrow. Yes indeed, it's oral board time. For those who have no idea of what that means, the Department of Energy also uses orals at their nuclear/nuclear-related facilities. Here is a PDF that provides the DOE's guide to oral boards. Let me tell you, they are IMMENSE fun.

Peace, y'all!

Monday, June 25, 2007

First things first here...

Happy Birthday Ric!

As expected, this evening's Concert in the Park was very good. Having listened to Eyes Around on and having seen Slipjig for the first time last year, I didn't expect anything less. It was nice that no last minute thunderstorms popped up in the humid afternoon air...

One thing that caught my eye in the news today was the issuance of several Supreme Court opinions. Those opinions (and others from the 2006 term) can be viewed here. Other useful and up-to-date info can be viewed at Yahoo!'s Supreme Court full coverage page.

Speaking of Yahoo!'s full coverage, I love that feature of Yahoo!. The site provides the most current stories about a number of topics and links to audio, video and related sites about those topics.

Finally, as a public service announcement, it's Lightning Safety Awareness Week.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

For those of y'all who live in my little part of the world...

I say support your local independent pizza shop. Village Pizza is in East Limestone right across from the high school. We eat there fairly often and we love the joint. They've been in business for a while and have a nice down-home atmosphere. Besides, their pizzas are rockin'...

We just got back. My best friend's birthday is coming up and he wanted to eat there. We're getting older. However, I still say age is partially a state of mind. Tempus fugit...

'Twas a fairly run of the mill weekend. At least we got some rain this afternoon (somewhat of a rarity around here lately). I was glad that it waited until I got home from hiking on Monte Sano and had a chance to kick the footbag around a bit. Somehow, I guess I find myself amused and entertained very easily. Must have come from growing up as an only child...

Tomorrow night's Concert in the Park will see Eyes Around and Slipjig performing. Should be a fun night...

Well, y'all have fun now! I know I will...