Friday, February 11, 2011

Can't have it both ways...

Two "icons" of the conservative world today seemed less than enthusiastic about what was going on in Egypt. Beck seems to think it's the beginning of world-wide pandemonium. Old Rush called the demonstrators at Tahrir feminists and "avowed socialists, leftists, communists, environmentalists."

Zoom back in time six years and recall who made the following statement:

"To promote peace and stability in the broader Middle East, the United States will work with our friends in the region to fight the common threat of terror, while we encourage a higher standard of freedom. Hopeful reform is already taking hold in an arc from Morocco to Jordan to Bahrain. The Government of Saudi Arabia can demonstrate its leadership in the region by expanding the role of its people in determining their future. And the great and proud nation of Egypt, which showed the way toward peace in the Middle East, can now show the way toward democracy in the Middle East."

The man who spoke those words was none other than Dubya. Glory child of the media of the right. The statement above came in the 2005 State of the Union.

Seems all Sarah Palin could ask (via tweet and on her birthday) was whether the media would ask "Will Obama Admin exert as much 'constructive' pressure on Iranian govt to change & allow freedom ~ as they just did for Egypt?"

Yet again, seeming oblivion to the differences in the situations and relations between the US and the governments of Egypt and Iran.


Go Egypt!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

When a near failure turned into a great success....

Not long after the Hubble Space Telescope was launched, it was quickly discovered that there was a major problem with the primary mirror. It took NASA a couple of years to design and implement a solution. Within a month of the first servicing mission, the results were declared a complete success. Here we are over twenty years later and Hubble is still producing AWESOME data....

I can't believe that I hadn't considered what would happen when the Hubble finally gives up the ghost. I was incredibly stoked to discover (hey, maybe I'm just out of it) that there IS a planned successor to Hubble. It's called the James Webb Space Telescope. I hope that NASA is able to get the new telescope airborne and have some more great successes. Speaking of which....

The James Webb Space Telescope has a YouTube page, a Twitter page and a Facebook page. Here's a playlist of some of the new telescope's YouTube vids (from their Science Visualizations group of videos):

Al Jazeera English...

Monday, February 07, 2011

NRC docs, SuperBowl ads, Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory, Preserve your digital stuff

NRC documents regarding Browns Ferry from 1/30/11 - 2/5/11

ML021760145 - Fiser deposition, 12/11/01-12/12/01.

ML021980176 - Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, Unit 3 - American Society of Mechanical Engineers Section XI, Inservice Inspection and Repair and Replacements Programs - Summary Reports for Cycle in Operation.

ML100950045 - Browns Ferry, Units 1, 2, and 3 - Submittal of Changes, Tests, and Experiments - Biennial Summary Report.

ML110260395 - Browns Ferry, Unit 3, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Section XI Inservice Inspection Program for the Unit 3 Third Ten-Year Inspection Interval, Request for Relief 3-ISI-25.

ML110270220 - Browns Ferry, Unit 3, Boiling Water Reactor Vessel Internals Project (BWRVIP) - Notification of Deviation from BWRVIP-41, Revision 3, BWR Jet Pump Assembly Inspection and Flaw Evaluation Guidelines.

ML110280447 - Browns Ferry - Notification of Inspection and Request for Information.

ML110330552 - Browns Ferry Nuclear Power Plant - Operator Licensing Written Examination Approval 05000259-10-301, 05000260-10-301 and 05000296-10-301.

ML103370466 - Browns Ferry, Unit 2 - Safety Evaluation for Relief Request 2-ISI-18, Revision 2, for the Third 10-Year Inservice Inspection Interval.(TAC No. ME3442).

I didn't watch much of the big game yesterday or many of the accompanying commercials. Hate to say it, but there were better things to do. Anyway, some of the ads were pretty funny. Plus, this way, you've saved several hours...

I kind of liked this one:

First Ever STEREO Images of the Entire Sun

Personal Archiving - Digital Preservation (Library of Congress)