Saturday, January 12, 2008

I happen to own an Olevia LCD TV....

One of the features that it has is the ability to have its firmware upgraded via an included USB port. That's all well and good, but the .zip file I downloaded from Olevia's site didn't have all of the required files. I was getting HIGHLY annoyed and couldn't find any additional info from Olevia's site. A little digging FINALLY led me here (in either the "Firmware" or "Utilities" directory) (as of August 2008, this link isn't working but give this a look). This allowed me to download the specific USB driver required for my laptop to communicate with my TV. It took me two days (not continuously) to find that crap. So, keywords here.....

pixelworks boot connection
olevia firmware
olevia usb
pixelworks usb

Something like this shouldn't have been as hard to find as it was....

A little politics....

I DO NOT LIKE Romney. I could give a damn less what religion he is. He just seems to have suspiciously "flip-flopped" too often for me. My take is that he follows (or at least used to) the route of political expedience. Just my opinion. Besides, his little barb of a remark to Ron Paul in Myrtle Beach the other night just struck me as annoying. He basically seemed to be accusing Ron Paul of being a lackey for Mahmoud Ahmedinejad. Perhaps it was only jest but it just left me with a sour taste in my mouth for Romney. Go Ron!

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

I think it's been a while since I talked about Faux News on here......

I guess I'm out of touch with the news enough that I didn't catch until Monday that the Fox News sponsored GOP debates in New Hampshire weren't all inclusive. Now I realize they can't have EVERY Tom, Dick, and Harry claiming to be running for President but they excluded folks like Ron Paul and Duncan Hunter. Sure, they are polling low and not likely to win, but they are nationally recognized. Excluding them from debates doesn't help them get their voice out there either. It smells suspiciously like a news outlet trying to pull the strings of the voters. Fair and balanced my ASS! Anyway, Fox is sponsoring the GOP debates in South Carolina on Thursday. If you read this and are so inclined, please jump on over to and leave zillions of messages about how "fair and balanced" Fox truly is. Remember, one of their catchphrases is "We report, you decide." I guess they report if they want to and you decide if they want you to. I hope they get HAMMERED with comments. Also, if you care, e-mail,, and to ask them to have the strength to do what the New Hampshire GOP did if Fox pulls this kind of stunt in South Carolina. Screw Fox News!

While I'm near the realm of talking about Ron Paul, that wonderful little outlet called The New Republic pulled a hack reporting job with this little number. Nowhere in the article did I see anything approaching a "When contacted, Ron Paul...." or much in the way of documentary evidence. Even if that was produced, it should be noted that Ron Paul's normal demeanor and public face never even hints at the things he is accused of in that piece of tripe at TNR. How about this? This is a fairly OLD accusation.....

What the hell does the media have against Ron Paul? Maybe they are scared of someone who THINKS and thinks INDEPENDENTLY! Those plonkers had better be damn scared of me if that's the case....