Tuesday, October 25, 2011

NRC docs for BFN for LAST week (10/15 - 10/22); Book'n It for Priceville 10K; A surprise...

Here are the documents that NRC placed in ADAMS regarding Browns Ferry for the dates 10/15 - 10/22:

  1. ML112800679 - Browns Ferry Initial Exam 2011-302 Final Sim/IN-Plant JPMs.
  2. ML112800671 - Browns Ferry Initial Exam 2011-302 Final Simulator Scenarios.
  3. ML112800690 - Browns Ferry Initial Exam 2011-302 General Correspondence.
  4. ML11286A145 - Browns Ferry - Updated Final Safety Analysis Report, Amendment 24.
  5. ML11291A134 - M111018B - Slides, Briefing on Browns Ferry Unit 1.
  6. ML112911370 - Press Release-11-200: Opening Remarks of NRC Chairman Gregory B. Jaczko at the Meeting to Discuss Safety Challenges of the Brown s Ferry Nuclear Power Plant.
  7. ML11285A048 - LER 11-007-00 for Browns Ferry, Unit 1, Regarding Multiple Containment System Isolations from Loss of RPS M-G Set 1B.
  8. ML11292A161 - 10/07/11 Summary of Meeting with Beyond Nuclear Regarding their 10 CFR 2.206 Petition to Suspend Operating Licenses of General Electric Mark I Boiling Water Reactors
  9. ML11292A162 - 10/07/11 Transcript of Proceedings for Meeting with Beyond Nuclear Regarding their 10 CFR 2.206 Petition to Suspend Operating Licenses of General Electric Mark I Boiling Water Reactors.
  10. ML11286A109 - ANP-3015(NP), Revision 0, "Browns Ferry, Units 1, 2 & 3, LOCA Break Spectrum Analysis," Enclosure 6.
  11. ML11286A108 - ANP-3035(NP), Revision 0, "AREVA Responses to August 2011 RAIs for Browns Ferry, Unit 1 Fuel Transition - LOCA," Enclosure 3.
  12. ML11286A107 - Browns Ferry, Unit 1 - Response to NRC Request for Additional Information Regarding Amendment Request to Transition to AREVA Fuel.

I was exceedingly stoked to break the 50 minute mark for a 10K run this past Saturday. The overall results are here. Speaking of runs, there's a little 5K run in downtown Huntsville this Saturday called the Spooktacular 5K. Come run or walk! You can even wear a costume! I'll be dressed up...

Check out this marsupial I heard walking around my front door last week...

From 2011-10-20