Friday, September 03, 2004

So....The four remaining bunnies are doing fairly well.

So is our kitty. She's not so sure what to think of bunnies. See (click the pic for more animals)?

Cat contemplating baby rodents

Well, we're doing our 12-hour days starting tomorrow so I need to go crash.

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

What Arnold says...

"If you believe that government should be accountable to the people, not the people to the government...then you are a Republican! If you believe a person should be treated as an individual, not as a member of an interest group... then you are a Republican! If you believe your family knows how to spend your money better than the government does... then you are a Republican! If you believe our educational system should be held accountable for the progress of our children ... then you are a Republican! If you believe this country, not the United Nations, is the best hope of democracy in the world ... then you are a Republican! And, ladies and gentlemen ...if you believe we must be fierce and relentless and terminate terrorism ... then you are a Republican!"

-Arnold Schwarzenegger, Republican Convention 2004, 8/31/2004

What I say...

If you believe that government should be accountable to the people, not the people to the government...then you are a RepublicanLibertarian! If you believe a person should be treated as an individual, not as a member of an interest group... then you are a RepublicanLibertarian! If you believe your family knows how to spend your money better than the government does... then you are a RepublicanLibertarian! If you believe our educational system should be held accountable for the progress of our children ... then you are a RepublicanLibertarian! If you believe this country, not the United Nations, is the best hope of democracy in the world ... then you are a RepublicanLibertarian! And, ladies and gentlemen ...if you believe we must be fierce and relentless and terminate terrorism ... then you are a RepublicanLibertarian (however, force isn't the only way a Libertarian would work on terrorism)!

The key to reasonable political dialogue...

I don't agree with the political stance of many of the people I work with. We still get along. Last week, my wife pointed me to "MY Vast Right Wing Conspiracy". I checked it out and even though I don't agree with everything she's saying, I can still be friendly. People often lose sight of this. There are frequently violent protesters at political or other major gatherings. I'm not saying that these people don't have the right to protest or even protest where they want (in public at least). However, the violence is often intriguing considering that at least part of what they are often protesting is violence.

I feel that there are a few important things to remember. I don't think that we're to the point where we need a revolution. That eliminates the need for violence. Another point to remember is that you can't always change people. You can present your argument for what you believe and then let it be. If you're told, "Enough!"... leave it at that. Frequent obscenity (although I am sometimes an offender) might prove that you are emotional about issues, but doesn't add much else to the political discourse. Civility is always the best way to go.

McCain said it well on Monday night:

"All of us, despite the differences that enliven our politics, are united in the one big idea that freedom is our birthright and its defense is always our first responsibility. All other responsibilities come second."

One side note...To read about goings-on from the convention from the vantage point of the NYPD, click here.

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Until this afternoon, it had been quite some time since either of us had seen an IMAX film...

We went to the Putnam Museum IMAX theater to see the third Harry Potter flick. The movie wasn't bad and we've always loved a good IMAX experience. We'll be going back for other films. I told Suzanne that we should check out the rest of the Putnam Museum as well.

It was interesting to see Michael Moore at the Republican convention last night. He's writing for USA Today (still waiting to see any mention of Badnarik, Cobb, or Peroutka at USA Today). Moore put out this op-ed for USA Today last night. One interesting thing to note was that USA Today had a noted conservative covering the Democratic convention back in July. That's a pretty funky way to do things. I like it.

Also of interest (I have to admit that I haven't read either document yet) are the Democratic and Republican platforms for 2004. I happen to believe that my thinking will be more in-line with the Libertarian platform. For further reading, here are the Green and Constitution Party platforms.

Check out the August issue of Ballot Access News.

Sunday, August 29, 2004

I'm not totally sure what I think of what follows below...

George Bush is using the White House website to host a description of his "accomplishments". This seems as if it belongs on Dubya's campaign website. I don't care if Bush is posting a record touting what he says he has accomplished. However, he is using a federal government website to do so. Interestingly enough, Dubya's WHITE HOUSE HOSTED WEBSITE ABOUT ECONOMIC GROWTH AND JOB CREATION doesn't mention the latest report from the Census Bureau that talks about poverty growing in this country. Additionally, Dubya's stance against gay marriage was deemed important enough to be the last item on this page. That seems like a great use of American taxpayer money...

I'll catch her at the pass...

I'm sure that Suzanne will later regale the world with tales of my dastardly deed for the day. Before she does, I'll say it myself. I never walk down the yard before I mow it. I suppose that I should and I will be much more likely to do so now. I killed a baby bunny. Weapon of choice? A lawnmower. I had no clue that there was a nest of the babies in my backyard. Unfortunately, the little lepine was still alive. Fortunately, the others appeared to be fine. I covered their nest back up (and marked it) after I retrieved the mortally wounded bunny baby. I felt bad about it, but I put the poor animal out of its misery. It still sucks and now Suzanne is calling me a bunny-killer.

It seems like time has flown. The closing ceremony is tonight.

On a much happier note:

Happy Birthday Olivia!