Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Although it was blazing hot today...

I felt like knocking out several miles on some of the trails up on Monte Sano Mountain. It's nice and quiet and secluded and shady. It's also a good way to work up a little sweat and free up your mind for thought...

I've already put up a link elsewhere for the Alabama Virtual Library (AVL), but it's a fairly valuable resource, so I'll put it up here as well. The old (current) site requires a card for home access. The beta site uses IP geolocation, so if your IP resolves to Alabama, you don't even need a card. Pretty cool!

One thing I just recently discovered (from AVL) is the Encyclopedia of Alabama. I've only given the site the most cursory glance, but it looks like it might have promise. Plus, there's always the Alabama portal on Wikipedia...