Friday, October 08, 2004

The mainstream news won't talk about alternative events that happened outside of tonight's debate so I will...

The candidates of the Libertarian and Green parties were arrested while attempting to gain access to the Presidential debate this evening. These two men are Constitutionally eligible and have sufficient ballot access to be theoretically capable of winning. The catch-22 experienced by these alternatives is extraordinary. They won't be admitted to the debates as run by the Commission on Presidential Debates because they don't poll at an arbitrary 15% in national polls. They will never get there unless the Libertarians (or Greens) get a candidate who is filthy rich or ultra-famous. This is sad. Voices are being squashed.

For the Libertarian account, read here.

For the account from the Green Party, read here.


Anonymous said...

Wow, I had no idea, although I suppose it isn't all that surprising. We opiate masses aren't prepared to hear issues debated by candidates who aren't ultra-slick, meticulously groomed, or advised by the nation's most well paid minds. Hell, we might hear something challenging. (sarcasm, sarcasm) As someone who really wishes I had a third (or fourth) option for my vote, this is sad... -Technodaddy

Unknown said...

For a future in politics, an individual typically needs to be a member of the two dominant parties or rich/famous. Fortunately, this little stunt (and yes, I'm sure it was a stunt of sorts) will be talked about somewhere. Badnarik's blog has an update that mentions that was already on the story. Some of the comments there amazed me. It sounds as if some of the people there truly believe that civil disobedience is always wrong. Tell that to the sit-in attendees from the 60s. Fortunately, several of the farkers remind such commenters that America was conceived through revolution. I understand why the two parties do what they do. I just disagree. Believe it or not, I know some "opiate mass" (actually more the "opium of the people") people who aren't even willing to check out what certain candidates are talking about when they say they "have a plan". I don't believe they would be swayed and I don't really care, but the use of websites has allowed candidates to do other things and I find it amazing that some people won't even look. I go to my candidate's site and and I like hearing the dialogue.