Monday, November 08, 2004

Suzanne was mentioning that the local Panera bread has wi-fi...

Wi-fi seems to be slowly creeping up in a lot of places. I'd personally like to see wi-fi in ALL hotels, but that's probably not going to happen any time immediately. When we're traveling, that's one of our considerations for where we'll stay.

We were at Old Chicago Pizza up in Bettendorf the other night. In addition to having good food, they have good beer and an old favorite of mine. Yeah, I suppose it's kind of geeky, but I like to play the NTN Network's trivial entertainment games. Suzanne has always told me I was geeky. I told her we should go there this Friday night. We don't normally go out to eat on Friday nights, but I discovered that the local Mensa chapter is supposed to meet there.

It's sad that 38% of teens polled didn't know the title of our country's official song. Hopefully, I can contribute to this "grassroots" effort in some small way just by getting the word out. Here's the official site for the "National Anthem Project". I say we should have an "old school" national anthem and a "new school" national anthem. Perhaps we could have a metal anthem. I don't see the little ditty from Team America: World Police as a contender. Warning: Don't click that link if you'll be offended by extreme lyrical obscenity!

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