Monday, January 15, 2007

Shonuff', leave it to Mr. Vice President "F-Bomb" Cheney...

to accuse Iraq policy critics of aiding and abetting Osama bin Boogieman. As I mentioned in my previous post, for this group of yahoos, it's par for the course. The run-up to Iraq was full of thinly veiled threats of the "smoking gun" that might become a "mushroom cloud" and vague allusions to Iraqi involvement with 9/11. So, we change thrust from the individual ("remember, wanted: dead or alive") who we knew was mainly responsible for the 9/11 atrocities to the clown who saw some support from the U.S. back in the 80s. Yep, in 2003, it was "Iraq, here we come." Couple that diversion with poor war planning, and this administration has done far more "playing into the hands of bin Laden" than any critic could ever hope to avoid. Leave a complete power vacuum in a country like Iraq when you haven't even come close to finishing the mission in another country and don't go in with enough military in the first place and guess what... you've created an extraordinarily fertile terrorist training ground. Thank you Bush administration.

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