Thursday, May 17, 2007

The research can be long and arduous, but...

In this country, we at least have the chance to freely speak our minds and be represented. That's one of the things that makes this country great. To that end, it is sometimes useful to know what our elected officials are considering.

I stumbled across a virtual treasure trove of currently active legislation while going through the Senate's website. Click here (for the current session of Congress) to check it out. After that, all that is required is to contact your Senator or Representative with your thoughts. An easier way is to sign up for the occasional (supposed to be weekly) e-mail at's " to go" page. You'll receive an e-mail covering recent and upcoming votes by your Senators and Representative. That avoids a great deal of the legwork involved. However, it is much more brief. I still firmly believe that our style of government has a better chance of working correctly when people interact with their elected officials...

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