Tuesday, February 12, 2008

And then..........?

Last week at this time, we were expecting at some SUPER-CRAPPY weather in the area. It materialized. Unfortunately, a number of people lost their lives. The local (Huntsville) branch of the National Weather Service has the write-up of the storms that occurred in the area. There are pictures included. See it for yourself.

At the same time, the results of Super Tuesday were rolling in. This week, there's also some voting going on. The stakes are lower this week, but so far it appears that Barack is easily outpacing Hillary. Though I'm not for either of them, I'd MUCH RATHER see Obama take the nomination. My humble opinion is that Hillary (and her other half) have too much baggage from their previous time spent in DC. On the Republican side, I find the rift between "conservatives" and McCain laughable. It would be excellent (though probably unlikely) to see a STRONG Libertarian sweep in and beat both of the major parties....

I've mentioned the idea of Open CourseWare. As far as I know, MIT was one of the first schools to establish an outlet for free college level materials using OCW. MIT has a variety of materials available at their site. Check it out!

I will end with some self-pimping! Peace out!

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