Sunday, September 21, 2008

Libertarian Presidential Nominee Bob Barr weighs in on John McCain and Barack Obama's impact on the Constitution

"3.4 Free Trade and Migration

We support the removal of governmental impediments to free trade. Political freedom and escape from tyranny demand that individuals not be unreasonably constrained by government in the crossing of political boundaries. Economic freedom demands the unrestricted movement of human as well as financial capital across national borders. However, we support control over the entry into our country of foreign nationals who pose a threat to security, health or property."


As you all have probably gathered by now, I am not an Obama supporter. However, if the only choices I had (at the present point in time) were McCain and Obama, I probably wouldn't vote for McCain. Anyway, there's a headline that has been on my Yahoo! News page for the past day or so talking about the negative racial impact on Obama's run for office. I hate to say it, but if we're not over that crap by now, we've got serious issues. I'd much rather see people NOT vote for Obama because of his stances on things.

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