Sunday, July 17, 2011

Yesterday was a LONG day...

CASA's Mud Volleyball tournament all day (thanks to All on our team, all the other teams, the organizers and EVERYONE else who made the day possible and great fun) followed by a mad scramble to clean up a little bit and make it on time for the HTC Twilight 5K And 1-Mile Fun Run. I missed the start by about 3m20s, but the officials let me go ahead to run. I was not at all fast, but it wasn't overly bad for a day in the sun/mud. Here are the men's results from the Twilight 5K.

Since I was covered in mud much of the day, I figured that would be near prime practice in getting ready for the Warrior Dash (Manchester, TN - September 17). That led me to make two (separate) laps around the Athens High School running path between some of our games.

There was also the mud covered (me and the sack) footbagging. I'm sure that was entertaining to watch...

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