Sunday, July 01, 2012

NRC ADAMS docs for Browns Ferry 6/23/2012 - 6/30/2012; The Big 5K

Here are the documents that the NRC placed into ADAMS regarding Browns Ferry over the past week:
  1. ML12177A056 - Part 21 - Reliability Degradation Of Resistors In Trip Units And Readout Assemblies.
  2. ML12174A286 - Browns Ferry Choice Letter 2012012, Preliminary White Finding.
  3. ML12174A265 - IR 05000259-12-403, 05000260-12-403, and 05000296-12-403, on 25/2012, Brown Ferry, NRC Security Inspection Report.
  4. ML12172A395 - LER 12-006-00, for Browns Ferry Nuclear Plan, Unit 1, regarding High Pressure Coolant Injection System Turbine Failed to Trip Using the Manual Trip Pushbutton.
  5. ML12137A669 - EN-12-024, Browns Ferry, Confirmatory Order (Effective Immediately) to Tennessee Valley Authority.
  6. ML12171A363 - 02/29/12 - Summary of Meeting with Tennessee Valley Authority to Discuss the National Fire Protection Association - 805 Transition for Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, Units 1, 2, and 3.
  7. ML12173A232 - Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) - 20-Day Response to Confirmatory Order NRC-2012-0117.
  8. ML12170B103 - 0772 - G105 - Conducting Inspections - Workshop #3 Scenario.
  9. ML12108A088 - Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, Units 1, 2, and 3 - Request for Additional Information to Core Plate Stress Analysis (TAC NOS. ME6615, ME6616, and ME6617).

I went and ran the Big Brothers Big Sisters of North Alabama Big 5K yesterday. Here's a link to the results. I didn't feel too bad with a 25:00 time. Plus, I came home and did another 3 miles because it was early and I felt like it. Next up? The 2012 Sherwood 5K & 1 Mile Fun Run on 7/7. Come on out and run (or knock out a quick walk) if you're feeling up to it. You can also register the morning of the run (race day registration starts at 6 AM).

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